Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Trip to Family in California

The Drive from Monterrey along the coast of California is spectacular, part of our trip was to see the Aquarium in Monterrey, stay one night and then drive the coast highway back to Roy and Angles home in LA.
When we first arrived in The LA area we took a short five day Cruse to Mexico. We have taken this trip many times, but the food and shows are still great. Mom bought a silver Opal Ring and a new purse.
The Cruse Line that we used for the Trip was Carnival. It was surprisingly good. Entertainment was the best that we have had on this kind of trip.
The Jelly Fish at the Aquarium were really some thing to see. They were wonderful.
The best part of our trip was spending time with Roy and Angel's family. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner, even Pecan Pie my favorite. We went to a Temple Session in the LA with Roy and Angel, spent some time with the Grand kids at Chickie Cheese, relaxed and read a good book.

The trip was wonderful. We are excited to see more of our family in the Salt lake area around Christmas.