We had a great 24th of July on Temple Square. We went to a Sunrise service at 7:00 am in the Tabernacle It was just great. Elder Tingey the President of the first Quourm of the 70 was the speaker.
The Parade Started at 9:00 am. We were at the very first of the Event. Cody's Band from Kearns High School marched in the Parade. Cody is on the outside second row from the back.
This was my favarote float. It was a bunch of Seagulls barbequeing Crickets.
The Pirates of the Carribaen were also there.
The Sister Missionaries were really enjoying the Parade.
All of the Family came over to the house to swim and eat. We had reserved the Garden Room so we would all fit. Grandma and I watched the fireworks from our balcony.
Saturday the 26th the Osmonds and the Choir had a special Pioneer Day Concert in the Conference Center. We are going tonight.
Special things on the Square.
1. A tourist said that Grandpa looked like Andy Rooney.
2. A tourist said that Grandpa looked like Mit Rommey. (I like the second one better).
3. A lady ask Grandpa if He was the Elder Glad who served his mission in Richmond Va. She then told Garndpa about his saying that he was going to name his first Son Yallbe Glad and Second Son Yuntsbe Glad. She was a Member of the Power family that I knew 49 Years ago on my mission.
4. Had a great conversation with a tall black man from the Sudan. He told me that the UN took some of his People out of the war several years ago and that he and 200 others were sent to Salt Lake City. He told me about the effort that the church has made in his country and the lack of help that had come from other Christan religions. He has joined the church and is wondering what he can do the introduce the church to his people in the Sudan when he returns in December. He may be the only Member of the Church in his country. We talked for a long time about his opportunity to be the first one to bring the gospel to his country.
5. Grandma had been in 7th heaven. We work in the Tabernacle every Tuesday morning. There is a Organ Recital at noon. The man who played the Organ asked her to play it. She is still recovering from the thrill.