Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall in Fairview

We drove up to Fairview to Winterize our Motor Home that we have Parked on the property there. It was quite warm for this time of the year but in past years we have had cold and snow so we thought is best to get it done.

We played two rounds of golf. I did
really poorly It has been quite a while since I have played. Marlene and I play together. She drives the Cart and keeps scour while I strike the balls and try to get them to go in the holes.

We thought we would take a ride up on the top of the Mountain. The leaves were as P
reety as I can remember. I took some Pictures.
Cody has a cross county track meet Friday at Cedar High School. We are going to go up to see how he does. Then Clay and Family are going to spend Confrence week end with Us

Todd and Shelly are coming to visit on Monday after Clay's family have left. St George is a great place to visit when it starts to get a little cold up in the North.

There is a wild fire between Beaver and Filmore. It has been burning for several months now. The Forest Service is doing nothing to control it. "It is part of the Natural World" Stupid !! It has burned a large part of the central section of Utah. There is heavy smoke from Nephi to Cedar City an area of more than 200 Miles. The same conservation people who are worried about Global warning and want to decrease our "Carbon foot print" will allow a fire to burn producing CO2 for an area that large. The people who have to breath the smoke should have some say in the matter. It just does not make any sence

Monday, September 13, 2010

New England Cruise and ID theft

We had a great time on our 49th Anniversary Cruise. It was super fun. We did not spend a lot of time in New York as our plane arrived at 10:00 AM and the ship left the harbor at 3:30. The ship was at the Brooklyn dock by so we were close to Manhattan the Brooklyn Bridge and we sailed past the Statue of Liberty.

We then went to New Port, RI where the rich and famous played. Remember the movie "High Society". Boston was very nice. It is strange to see how they have built large new modern style buildings right next to old historical ones. The John Hancock Building is right next to the Old Trinity Church. Bar Harbor, Main is another of the special places for the wealthy to stay. They would spend the hot times there as it was cooler than Newport. The summer Cottages of J P Morgan ect are there. A summer cottages has only 12 bedrooms ect. St Johns, New Brunswick was settled by immigrants from Ireland. We went on a tour with a horse drawn buggy. Halifax, Nova Sochia is a Scottish settlement. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Bag Pipe Band came on the Ship to perform for us. We have lots of photos so we are posting them on Facebook.

When we got home, there was a E-Mail in and a Voice Mail on my Cell Phone from the American Express Credit Card Company. It seems that there was a unusual amount of charges being made on my card from various companies in England, Two Charges from one company for $596 Charges for $780, $ 890, $ 234 and $ 286 and additional charges still being made. They thought that this was very unusual so they wanted to know if I knew what was going on. American Express Security Division canceled the card and deleted all of the phony charges. This Identify theft is really scary but it is great that the Credit Card Companies are monitoring our accounts for this kind of stuff. It will take a little more than a week before we get new cards.