Monday, November 10, 2008

Birthdays and Butheads

We went to work in the Beehive House Sunday night.  The Christmas Tree was up and Decorated, really cozy.  I think this may be just a little early, but it was really warm and nice.  

It was Sister Glad's birthday Friday, we were busy, so we celebrated on Saturday night.  It was really great.  We went to the Garden room on the 10th floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building for a nice dinner.   There was a nice concert in the Assembly Hall, the USU Chamber Singers and Chorale, they were really good, just the kind of thing that Mom likes.  

Friday night was really interesting, we were assigned to work in the South gate, when Security arrived to tell us that a demonstration was assembling to show support for the Gay People and against Prop. #8.   What do we in Utah have to do with with Prop. #8?  It seems that our former Mayor Rocky Anderson and Friends thought that this would be a great opportunity to attack the Mormon Church again.  They arrived with all of their signs, horns and what ever they could find.  The March was around the square on the Street, then they got on the sidewalk and walked around the square shouting and trying to make as much problems as possible.  The Newspaper said that it was a nonviolent demonstration.  

The security closed all of the Gates on the Square and then we sent all of the Sister Missionaries home though the Tunnels.  They all got home ok.  Security closed the Square at 7:00 pm so Sister Glad were able to get home safely.  

There some elderly folks that were coming to the Square to attend a concert and were caught between the closed gate and the demonstrators lots of fear and tears were shed.  Some people who were on the Square we afraid to go home and many of them were in tears.  Some nonviolent demonstration.

Some sick people just will never accept the will of the People or God in our country.

1 comment:

Angel said...

Tell me about it. I am just tired of the whole prop 8 tempter tantrum. It is driving me nuts that people are doing this!