Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I had a really good Christmas, Birthday and soon to come Valentine day. I love to read and now I am now set up for the next couple of months with new books from some of my favorite Authors. The book by Tom Clancy is his first for more that seven years. The two books by Orson Scott Card look to be really good. He is really good with stories about boys learning to handle new situations, both new books of his are on that theme. I have read almost all of John Grishams books so a new one is going to be fun. I have found Brandon Sanderson to be a good read. He is teaching at BYU. I have always wanted to know more about Henry Clay and I like the Mitt Ronmey guy.

I forgot to put in the picture some of the other books that I received. Thanks Roy for "Eilfheim" I loved it. I am currently reading "Escape from the land of Snows" the story of the Dalai Lama's flight to freedom from the communist Chinese in Tibet and a book about the history of the Roman Emperors. I also have a book on the conflict about the nature of Christ in the early Church that lead to the Nicean Creed and a book written by some of the Church historians about the Mountain Meadow Massacre.

I have finished reading the books on the right. I enjoyed all of them.

Mom and I have a really neat system. I pick the books and She gives them to me for the next gifting event. It works really good.

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